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Applying for Associate Membership

An organization eligible to be an Associate Member, as set out above, must be endorsed in writing by a Constituent member if their jurisdiction is concurrent or contained within that of a current Constituent member, and may apply for membership by sending a letter to NatureServe's President requesting membership and by paying whatever dues have been set by the Board. The membership request must demonstrate that the applicant has approved of and supports the objectives of NatureServe, and state its commitment to sharing data with NatureServe. The membership request shall be reviewed and a motion taken by the Membership Committee, consistent with any criteria for this class of membership. The approval of the full Board of Directors is required for Committee recommendations to take effect.

Eligibility Terms, Conditions, and Criteria
  • The applicant is an organization, not an individual, and
  • the organization approves of and supports the objectives of NatureServe, and
  • the organization is not a Constituent member, and
  • the organization is not a “for-profit” company, and
  • the organization manages data important to NatureServe, and
  • the organization is capable of exchanging data with NatureServe on an agreed upon schedule, and
  • the organization’s application for membership has been endorsed by the relevant Constituent member if the organization’s jurisdiction is concurrent or contained within that of a current Constituent member, or
  • the organization is a national organizing body for subnational Constituent members. 
Letter of Application                    

The letter of application should include:

  • Statements attesting to congruence with the aforementioned eligibility terms, conditions, and criteria, and
  • reason(s) for joining NatureServe, and
  • example(s) of past collaboration with NatureServe (includes examples of collaboration with Constituent Members), and
  • a description of the organization’s structure, size, years of operation, mission, objectives, and activities , and
  • primary contact information.

Attachments to the letter of application should include a copy of the organization’s bylaws, current strategic plan, and if applicable, a letter of endorsement from the relevant Constituent member.

A deposit in the amount of the first year’s dues is payable at the time that the application is submitted, and will be applied to the first year of dues upon acceptance of the application by the Board. The deposit will be refunded in full if the application is rejected.

Letters of application should be addressed to NatureServe’s President, and must be received at least six weeks before the Board meeting at which the final decision about the application will be made by the Board.

Membership Dues

The annual membership dues are US$850 for Associate Members located in High Income Economies, and $120 for all other economies. The rate of US$850 applies to any organization operating internationally, including those that serve more than one developing country. 

Associate Member Privileges
  • Eligible to serve as a node in the international NatureServe network for a specific jurisdiction, taxonomy, or classification.
  • Authorized to license NatureServe data management software suite (Biotics) and its associated software interface libraries, and access multiple training and support opportunities[1].
  • Recognized in the NatureServe Annual report, on the NatureServe website, and in other NatureServe marketing materials.
  • Receive discounted rates at training, and regional, national, and international conferences.
  • Enhanced opportunities to participate in collaborative projects, work groups, and to advance thought leadership.


[1] Additional software licensing and maintenance and training fees apply.