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Submitted by allison_kenlan_5542 on

NatureServe’s Heritage Circle is a community for people who want to leave a legacy of protecting biodiversity for decades to come.

NatureServe leverages the power of science, big data, and technology to guide conservation decisions across North America. Our data tells natural resource managers what exists, where it is found, and how it is doing so limited resources can go to saving the most imperiled species. With your help, biodiversity will continue to thrive into the future.

Ways to leave YOUR legacy

Will Bequest

Include NatureServe in your will with this language
I hereby give, devise, and bequeath {specific dollar amount} OR {% of total estate} to NatureServe, a nonprofit organization located at 2550 South Clark Street, Suite 930A Arlington, VA 22202 Federal Tax ID # 52-1884438, for the organization’s general use and purpose.

Retirement Accounts

You can name NatureServe as primary beneficiary of your life insurance policy or as contingent beneficiary should your other beneficiaries not survive you. After your lifetime, the benefits from your policy pass to NatureServe free of federal estate tax. Simply contact your insurance carrier and request a beneficiary change form.

Life Insurance

If you name NatureServe as a beneficiary of your retirement plan, the full amount of your gift can be used to continue our mission. To name NatureServe as a beneficiary, contact your plan administrator and request a beneficiary change form.

Charitable Trust

With a charitable remainder trust, you receive income each year (either fixed or variable) from assets you place in the trust. After your lifetime, the balance in the trust goes to NatureServe.

Financial Accounts

Designate NatureServe as the beneficiary of a bank account, a brokerage account, or a certificate of deposit. All you need to do is complete a beneficiary designation form (often called a transfer-on-death or pay-on-death form) provided by the financial institution. After your lifetime, the asset passes directly to NatureServe.

Interested in joining the Heritage Circle?

Sign up to receive more information about how you can create your legacy.