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More Ways to Give

Amazon Smile

Complete your shopping needs while supporting NatureServe! It is just like you are shopping with Amazon, only when you register for AmazonSmile and select NatureServe as your designated charity, 0.5% of eligible purchases will go directly to NatureServe. You can make a difference for conservation while you purchase gifts, everyday goods, and even items for yourself!

Gifts of Stock

Gifts of long-term appreciated stock or mutual funds offer a quick, easy and tax-efficient way to make a lasting contribution to NatureServe. Your gift will help NatureServe and its nework of more than 1,000 scientists protect precious natural places close to your heart and around the world.

Securities Held by Your Broker
If your broker (or bank) holds your securities, your gift can be electronically transferred to NatureServe. NatureServe maintains an account with Goldman Sachs. When transferring stocks to this account, mail or fax a completed: Outright Gifts of Securities Gift Form (available from your broker).

Inform your broker or banker that you would like to donate securities to NatureServe. Your broker or banker should contact NatureServe to provide the details of the gift and to process your transaction.

Securities Held By You
If you hold the securities, mail (via UPS or other traceable medium) or hand-deliver the certificate(s) to:

2550 South Clark Street, Suite 930A
Arlington, VA 22202
ATTN: Development Team

In a separate envelope, mail or deliver to the address above a signed stock or bond power for each security. You may obtain blank stock powers from the stock gift manager, your broker or bank. Please sign the power exactly as your name appears on the certificate or bond. Enclose a letter stating the purpose of your gift with the certificate(s).

Note: It is very important to mail the security certificate and the signed power separately. We also recommend that the certificate be sent by certified mail with return receipt.

Our Thanks
  • We are extremely grateful to all of our donors⁠—those individuals, corporations, foundations, non-profits, and government agencies—who share our commitment to the exploration and discovery of new knowledge about our natural world and how it inspires them.
    See our supporters.
Our Commitment to Our Donors
  • NatureServe is a nonprofit, tax-exempt charitable organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Donations are tax-deductible as allowed by law.
Workplace and Corporate Giving

Corporate Voices for Biodiversity Science is NatureServe’s flagship program for engagement with businesses. We invite all corporations that wish to support the use of sound biodiversity science to join this program by giving an unrestricted gift to NatureServe. Benefits vary based on the level of the gift.

Corporate Grants allow companies to support high-impact conservation organizations like NatureServe, while advancing corporate values like environmental sustainabilty, science and technology, biodiversity and ecosystem services, capacity building, and quality of life. Charitable contributions are usually tax deductible.

Event Sponsorship allows companies to express their commitment to environmental sustainability through events hosted by NatureServe. Significant and measurable high–profile recognition and visibility can be gained via sponsorship opportunities with NatureServe.

Enhanced Business Sustainability derives from a corporate approach that anticipates and avoids or mitigates risks. NatureServe offers a range of products and services used by businesses to assess risks to species and ecosystems, understand business dependence on ecosystem services, and increase certainty in planning that saves time and money.

Workplace Giving is a way for you to give recurring gifts to your favorite nonprofits like NatureServe by designating an amount to be withheld from your paycheck. NatureServe participates in the Combined Federal Campaign and EarthShare.

Combined Federal Campaign (CFC)

If you are a federal government employee, military personnel, or retiree and you would like to give to NatureServe through the Combined Federal Campaign, please enter CFC #10299 on your pledge card.


You can donate to NatureServe through EarthShare. EarthShare connects hundreds of workplaces with the most respected environmental organizations in America through EarthShare @ Work, an employee engagement and philanthropy program. EarthShare @ Work gives employees meaningful opportunities to connect, contribute, and volunteer, helping to embed sustainability awareness into decision making and actions at work and at home.

EarthShare represents dozens of national organizations and hundreds of state-based groups in 23 states. EarthShare also manages many workplace charity campaigns for employers, including a number of the Combined Federal Campaigns (CFC), the world’s largest charity campaign with millions in annual pledges.

Matching Contributions are offered by many businesses to encourage their staff to support nonprofits. Check with your employer to see if they will match your gift to NatureServe.

Forward-looking corporations recognize that the impending loss of ecological support systems needs to be addressed now, in a clear and targeted way. In order to avoid, minimize, restore, or mitigate these threats effectively and at the least cost, businesses have to use reliable data. NatureServe welcomes the opportunity to explore creative branding campaigns with your marketing department or communications partner. By investing in NatureServe and taking biodiversity conservation into consideration as part of your corporate sustainability strategy, your corporation can be positioned as a leader in the field.

Reasons for Becoming a Corporate Funder

  • Branding (and co–branding) opportunities
  • National, regional, and local exposure in target markets
  • Enhanced image and positive identity messaging
  • Wider internal and external recognition by employees and customers
  • Exposure to a network of over 80 natural heritage programs and their constituents
  • Visibility through the creation of a year–round and/or multi–year program
  • Increased employee morale
  • Increased customer loyalty
  • Increased conservation change in communities where employees live and work
  • More productive and healthier workforce
Robert E. Jenkins. photo by Jack Lynn.
Robert E. Jenkins Foundation

As the architect of the NatureServe Network and one of the most effective champions for the protection of biological diversity, Bob Jenkins left behind an extraordinary conservation legacy.  In addition to being a passionate and inspiring leader in the biodiversity community, Bob was a pioneer in advocating the use of data to inform evidence-based biodiversity conservation and developing science-based methodology to prioritize conservation actions.   

Fifty years later, NatureServe remains committed to Bob’s vision for protecting biodiversity.  Your gift to the Robert E. Jenkins Legacy Fund helps us ensure this vital work continues: engaging the NatureServe Network and its partners; developing and delivering the best species and ecosystem data; and deploying cutting edge technology to streamline every phase of the data to decision life cycle.

Larry E. Morse.
Larry E. Morse Botany Fund

Larry Morse was a legend in plant conservation.  In 1981, he was hired as one of the original natural heritage scientists, becoming The Nature Conservancy’s chief botanist and continuing his career at NatureServe until his retirement in 2006. He was a walking encyclopedia of information about plant identification and conservation as well as the cultural uses, historical relevance, and ecological contributions of plants. Larry passed away in early 2012.

With his family’s encouragement, NatureServe developed the Larry Morse Botany Fund to advance plant conservation in his memory. For online donations, go through our regular donation form (button below), select 'In Memory of' and include Larry Morse's name as the honoree.

Gifts can also be mailed to: Larry Morse Fund, NatureServe, 2550 South Clark Street, Suite 930A Arlington, VA 22202, ATTN: Development Team. Checks should be made payable to NatureServe (with “Larry Morse Fund” on the memo line).

Orange sulphur (Colias eurytheme). NatureServe Global Status: Secure (G5). Photo by Christopher Hoess.
Tom Breden Legacy Fund

Thomas F. Breden was a part of the NatureServe family for nearly 20 years. He began in 1984 as an ecologist for the New Jersey Natural Heritage Program (a member of the NatureServe Network), rising to the position of Administrator of the Office of Natural Lands Management. Tom was a founding member of NatureServe's board of directors. In July 2003 we were saddened by the passing of Tom.

Family and friends of Tom have created the Tom Breden Legacy Fund at NatureServe to honor his memory and his dedication to protecting the natural world. For online donations, go through our regular donation form (button below), select 'In Memory of' and include Tom Breden's name as the honoree.

Gifts can also be mailed to: Tom Breden Legacy Fund, NatureServe, 2550 South Clark Street, Suite 930A Arlington, VA 22202, ATTN: Development Team. Checks should be made payable to NatureServe (with “Tom Breden Legacy Fund” on the memo line).