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From celebrated species—like birds, bears, and butterflies—to more obscure species—mosses, mussels, and minnows—NatureServe knows where biodiversity is found, why it is threatened, and what it needs to survive.

While we believe this invaluable information should be freely available to the public, as a nonprofit, NatureServe relies on donations to make our work possible. Now you can become a biodiversity champion and adopt a native plant or animal!

Blue-spotted salamander (Ambystoma laterale). NatureServe Global Status: Secure (G5). Photo by Adam Cushen (

Celebrate 50 Years With a Special Adoption!

In honor of NatureServe's 50th anniversary, we're releasing a special, limited-time species for adoption: the blue-spotted salamander. Celebrate this occasion by adopting the very creature that inspired our logo! By doing so, you'll also contribute to NatureServe's vital mission of protecting biodiversity, ensuring that we continue to thrive for the next 50 years and beyond.

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Meet our eight featured species!

For a minimum $25 donation, you can be part of a group coming together to protect biodiversity. Your adoption will help update the featured species on NatureServe Explorer with an image. Adoptions last one year. You will receive a certificate of adoption, an opportunity to vote on next year’s featured species, an Adopt-a-Species sticker, and a digital wallpaper of your species.

Photo by Gary Peeples

Bog Turtle

Glyptemys muhlenbergii


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Photo by Larry Master


Lynx rufus


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Photo by Wirestock

Snowy Owl

Bubo scandiacus


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Photo by Tara Rose Littlefield

Southern Lady's-slipper

Cypripedium kentuckiense


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Photo by Seth Bynum

Red Wolf

Canis rufus


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Photo by Larry Master

Northern Myotis

Myotis septentrionalis


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Photo by Wirestock

Tricolored Blackbird

Agelaius tricolor


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Photo by GuyIncognito

Mojave Blue

Euphilotes mojave


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Or, for the first time, adopt an ecosystem!

NatureServe knows the vital role ecosystems play in supporting both human and wildlife communities. That's why, for the first time ever, we’re expanding our Adopt-a-Species program to include entire ecosystems. Now, you can symbolically adopt Californian Vernal Pools or Northern Tallgrass Prairies, helping protect these iconic habitats and the lives they sustain. Your adoption supports biodiversity at all levels.

Photo by Mikaku

Californian Vernal Pool


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Photo by Justin Meissen

Northern Tallgrass Prairie


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Adopt a species for yourself or a loved one! Adoptions can be great way to celebrate birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, or holidays. When you gift a species, you’ll have the option to send the recipient a note letting them know of your thoughtful gesture. 

Looking to honor someone’s legacy? You can also dedicate adoptions in memory of someone who has passed.

Adopt Your Own Species

Don’t see the species you're looking for? You have the option to adopt a species of your choice from NatureServe Explorer! Your adoption will help update the species page on NatureServe Explorer with an image and a description.  

Adoptions last one year and they are exclusive. Adoptees will receive a personal shout-out on the species’ Explorer page, a social media shout-out, and a sticker.

Minimum adoption amounts will vary depending on a species’ conservation rank. Custom adoptions have a higher minimum donation because of increased work for our team. Adoptees will always have the option to spread their donation out over a span of a year through a monthly donation. 

  • Critically Imperiled (G1): $5,000 minimum
  • Imperiled (G2): $2,500 minimum
  • Vulnerable (G3): $1,000 minimum
  • Apparently Secure (G4): $500 minimum
  • Secure (G5): $150 minimum

Ready to get started? Fill out the form below and a member of our team will get back to you in 1-3 business days! If your requested species is unavailable for any reason, we will work with you to find another species that’s perfect for you to adopt.

Communication Preference
What species are you interested in adopting?